
Tuesday 26 February 2013

This week

The counter on this page tells me there are 437 days since I began this process of remembering every day that passes on 17 December 2011.

So far, so good. I haven't lost a day. Though some are harder to remember than others.

The hardest days to remember, I repeatedly find, are those in the past week or two.

The images I have just pinned to my mental calendar are not entrenched.

At odd moments, I will run through the current week to refresh my memory as to what I had selected. Sometimes it seems another image might be more appropriate, perhaps because it links with surrounding images: having a theme for the week is a short cut to remembering I sometimes use.

As I go to sleep I run through the past month. It is sometimes a relief when particular days move outside this window after recalling the memory tag night after night. Once the month-long stint is over, I have little problem recalling any day since I began when I choose to.

Often I find it is a bigger challenge to remember what I did yesterday than on this day a year ago.

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