It is now 500 days since I began this process of remembering every day that passes and so far, so good: no lost days.
How to extend this indefinitely is something that I am considering as the time taken in my daily reviews expands. I currently run a two-day window over each week since I began this process to refresh the images pinned to my mental calendar. Today being Tuesday, I recall every Monday and Tuesday, starting from Monday 19 December 2011 (first image: eating mince pies on the last day in my office before travelling for Christmas).
It now feels very arbitrary to begin the process with those first days in December, as if my life before then is somehow separate. It is also increasingly unnecessary as I have filled in some of the blanks on my mental calendar by spending odd moments in the day thinking back to the same day of the month as far back as I have time to go. So today being the 30 April, I recall images for every 30th day, scrollowing back through my memories, sometimes through recent years. A further extension is to go back to my childhood for the same date each year.
I was already thinking that a way to make this refreshing process sustainable is to allow the early dates to drop out of my two-day window review (in which the images are reviewed twice per week) after say two years and then only referesh them in the day per month review thereafter. This process is begin on 17 December 2013.
From then onwards my plan is to start the two-day window two years before, requiring a run through of just over 200 memory tags, which should easily fit within my 20-minute wake up routine (I now fit much of this review into the time I am doing my Global Postural Reeducation exercises).
I am nervous that blanks will start to appear when days move into the day per month review outside the two-year window.
Accordingly, to ease into this two-year window plan, I have started it now, making use of the many images I have found for the days before I began this process.
Any images I have recovered at the start of this period are already a bonus and I hope they will become firmly entrenched and attached to their dates by the time they drop out the two-year window, so building my confidence for when I risk letting these 500 days and counting fall from my reviews.
How to extend this indefinitely is something that I am considering as the time taken in my daily reviews expands. I currently run a two-day window over each week since I began this process to refresh the images pinned to my mental calendar. Today being Tuesday, I recall every Monday and Tuesday, starting from Monday 19 December 2011 (first image: eating mince pies on the last day in my office before travelling for Christmas).
It now feels very arbitrary to begin the process with those first days in December, as if my life before then is somehow separate. It is also increasingly unnecessary as I have filled in some of the blanks on my mental calendar by spending odd moments in the day thinking back to the same day of the month as far back as I have time to go. So today being the 30 April, I recall images for every 30th day, scrollowing back through my memories, sometimes through recent years. A further extension is to go back to my childhood for the same date each year.
I was already thinking that a way to make this refreshing process sustainable is to allow the early dates to drop out of my two-day window review (in which the images are reviewed twice per week) after say two years and then only referesh them in the day per month review thereafter. This process is begin on 17 December 2013.
From then onwards my plan is to start the two-day window two years before, requiring a run through of just over 200 memory tags, which should easily fit within my 20-minute wake up routine (I now fit much of this review into the time I am doing my Global Postural Reeducation exercises).
I am nervous that blanks will start to appear when days move into the day per month review outside the two-year window.
Accordingly, to ease into this two-year window plan, I have started it now, making use of the many images I have found for the days before I began this process.
Any images I have recovered at the start of this period are already a bonus and I hope they will become firmly entrenched and attached to their dates by the time they drop out the two-year window, so building my confidence for when I risk letting these 500 days and counting fall from my reviews.