
Thursday 9 January 2014

Tell me a joke

The New Year is a time for resolutions.

So I reflected on what I would like to change for the better and came up with something both concrete and achievable.

I would like to be able to tell jokes.

I have one or two memories from when I was at college and was full of jokes from recently read student union magazines and was able to fire of jokes with the best of them passing an enjoyable evening.

But that was long ago and for most of my life I have struggled to remember jokes. Except for a couple that stick in my mind.

What's orange and sounds like a parrot?
                      A carrot.

Which then reminds me of my second joke:

What is brown and sticky? ===========================================> A stick.

It is a limited repertoire that does not add much to an evening's bonhomie.

So I have decided to use this process of remembering every day that passes to become better at remembering and telling jokes.

My aim is to bring a good joke into the images I pin to my mental calendar as memory tags every now and then.

One way to do this is by telling the joke during an event I want to remember.

So sitting at a café today with my wife I told her about the perfectionist, the stoic and the miser going into a bar (insert the national stereotypes applicable for your country). They each order a beer, but before they can drink disaster strikes as flies buzzing around some sticky buns on the bar peel off and one falls into each glass of beer.

The perfectionist takes one look at the fly, swears and pushes her beer away.

The stoic fishes out the fly and takes a swig of his beer regardless.

The miser also picks out the fly and squeezes it, shouting: "Spit it out!"

So for this day I will remember for years to come sitting in the café, the pitying look on my wife's face and the joke I told.

My hope is that with a few jokes dotted around my mental calendar, I will overcome the block I have when it comes to remembering jokes and many more will come to mind when I have a joke-telling opportunity.

I am also experimenting with adding some jokes to existing memory tags.

The image I have for 29 December 2013 involves a dog. I have a joke for kids to do with a dog: Which side of a dog has the most fur? Answer: the outside.

Now all I need is some better material!

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